Click on the sliders of each Veteran to learn more about them.
NHVSF Donates to Hunt for Freedom
[Left] James Spillane, founder of NHVSF, donates to Kaila Currier from "Hunt for Freedom", another group that benefits veterans and helps them get into the outdoors. Pictured on the slider are James Spillane, founder of NHVSF, with Kaila Currier and Ray Parkhurst,...
NHVSF at Bass Pro Sportsmans Show
The NHVSF will have a table at the Bass Pro Shops Sportsmans Show in Hooksett this Saturday (20th) and Sunday (21st). Stop by between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM to pick up some literature, make a donation, give us the name and contact information of a veteran who needs our...
IBO NH State Championship Archery Competition
The IBO New Hampshire State Championship Archery Competition took place in Hollis this last weekend, both days, and the New Hampshire Veteran Sportsman Foundation sponsored a target to get the word out to hundreds of archers and hunters about our desire to help NH...